Monday, June 29, 2009

Still Running--Now with a Cause!

It was another good week. This Saturday's big endurance run was 6 miles. I joke with Amy about how far 6 miles really is when you are walking/running it. I guess I take it for granted when I am driving at 60 miles/hr. Amy continues to do great. I am so proud of her as she is running in front of me and I am struggling to keep up a fast walk.
A couple stories from this week's run...I was on about mile 4 and approaching a stop light. Amy had run through it about 5 minutes before i got there and I heard someone yelling at me. He was stopped in his truck and yelled over..."Are you gonna let her beat you?". My reply, "She already has". Then we went to grab some breakfast (this has become the tradition now--to meet my mom, family friends Dick & Madelyn and of course Peyton for breakfast at the Sandfiddler Cafe). We go in with faces bright red, shirts, shorts, etc. soaking wet with sweat in desperate need of ice water. I can only imagine what everyone is thinking. This week we missed the family and friends so Amy and I went in alone. After sitting there for about 30 minutes, long enough to drink a bunch of water, cokes/diet cokes and eat an omelette (you didn't think i was going to such a great place and not eating, did you?) it was time to get up and walk back home (another 1/2 mile). Our muscles were exhausted and as I tried to get out of the booth and leave the restaurant, a gentleman who was sitting at the table next to us with his two children asks me, "Is she gonna beat you home" referring to the fact that he also saw us in the middle of the 6 miles when Amy was having to wait for me as I fell back.
This is all motivation for me and i am getting better, but it is a slow process. Years of sports have done a number on my knees and the extra weight that I am carrying doesn't help. Through it all, Amy is there and very supportive. We are in this together.
I decided today that I want to have another reason to run this race. There are several groups that run for a cause and I contacted Nate from and asked if we could run for his family and the CFF. We have signed up and will raise money leading up to the race. I will ask you to do what you can and donate (there is a widget on the side of the page that will take you to the donation page). I may struggle as I train for the 1/2 marathon, but it is nothing compared to the struggles of those who are affected by CF. Please take a moment to donate to this wonderful organization and help families such as the Lawrensons.

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