Wednesday, August 19, 2009

You guys are AWESOME

WOW...what a great week for donations. We have reached and exceeded our goal of $1000.00 and still have 2 1/2 weeks to go. Keep it going...can we reach $1500?
Thank you to all who have donated. It means so much to us!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Long Distance

This past Saturday was one of the longest distances we will do in training for the 1/2 marathon...8-9 miles. It was grueling. With all of our training over 6 miles, it seems as though you hit a wall at the 6 mile point and then work through it. Around 8 miles, there is a even harder wall. My legs started to lock up, ankles got tight, etc. I could see the finish line and kept going. I ran between 3-4 miles of the 8-9 miles and Amy ran the majority. 4 weeks from today we will have accomplished our goal. I can't believe it is almost here.
I was talking to my dad this weekend about how hard it is for me to run long distances. I have never been good at it. I told him that I have three goals: Finish the Race, Don't be the last one to finish & Start/Finish the race running.

Friday, August 7, 2009

C's are up is the opportunity for the C's to show up the A's and B's.
Let's Go C's, Let's Go!
Again...thanks to everyone who has donated!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you

Thank you to all who have joined our team by donating to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. This week starts the push for our training & fund-raising. Each day or so, i am going to send an email out to everyone in my email address book under a certain letter (yesterday was A) and each of these groups will form a fund-raising team. Each team will compete against each other in this fund-raising blitz. Thank you Ashley for starting everything off for us yesterday. A special Thank you to all who have donated. Remember to send a note to your friends and family to help us raise money for CFF. Any size donation is greatly appreciated.
To everyone following and helping, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

Today's Team is Team B. Let's go Team B.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

5 weeks to go

Are you serious that we are down to 5 weeks to go? I am not even close to being ready. YIKES.
Last week was an off week. We traveled to visit Amy's family and then from there traveled to Raleigh for two days of training/classes for the kitchen design program we use at B&T Kitchens and Baths. During this time it felt as if I regressed a couple weeks so it is time to get on track. Amy continues to do great. We ran at Mount Trashmore this past weekend and I could see Amy on the other end of the park still running as I was walking, pushing the jogging stroller. I guess when i am pushing it, it should be called a walking stroller as that is all i seem to do.
We are working on getting an average time of 13 minutes/mile, which means that we will finish the race in 2 hours, 50 minutes. I know this is slow in the world of running, but we have to start somewhere...We often joke about the professional runners that will pass us as they are on about lap 10 and we are on lap 2. Amy is doing great and can run faster than this...she can comfortably do 12 minute miles. I am lucky to get 13 minute miles. I am good at short distances and sprinting, but these long distances are tough on me. I have yet to figure out my rhythm and how i will make this happen so the next 4+ weeks are very important.

I want to thank everyone who has donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. I hope to raise a lot more over the next 4+ weeks. Each time i see a new donation, i really focus on my own goal of making it through the 1/2 marathon and getting in shape for my son, Peyton.
Please consider donating by clicking here.
Thanks to all who have donated or are considering donating...I truly appreciate it!

I am going to try to post on here each week and hopefully more leading up to the race.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Road Block

This week has been tough and today's 8 miles were rough. It was a very busy & mentally draining week for me and I did not run at all during the week. That was not a great idea. I realized after the first 1 1/2 miles today that seven days off makes one weak. I will not do that again.
Amy continues to do so well. She is running the entire distance and she is an amazing inspiration. For someone who never ran before and never thought she could run a mile, she is knocking out these long runs like they are nothing.
As I was walking through the miles today I decided that big guys like me are not supposed to be running these distances. I am fine at short distances, but these miles are tough. Amy was about a half mile in front of me when i was thinking this. She waited for me to catch her and I told her my thought. Her answer, "Football players run". What could I say? It was time to suck it up and keep moving.
Beginning this week, i am going to have to get my butt in gear as the day is nearing when I will have to do 13.1 miles.
I do want to thank everyone who donated to CFF over the past couple weeks. Thanks to Brooks, Laverne, Maureen & Scott. I am hoping that as the weeks continue to pass, others can help us increase this total.
I continue to Run for Peyton!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Still Running--Now with a Cause!

It was another good week. This Saturday's big endurance run was 6 miles. I joke with Amy about how far 6 miles really is when you are walking/running it. I guess I take it for granted when I am driving at 60 miles/hr. Amy continues to do great. I am so proud of her as she is running in front of me and I am struggling to keep up a fast walk.
A couple stories from this week's run...I was on about mile 4 and approaching a stop light. Amy had run through it about 5 minutes before i got there and I heard someone yelling at me. He was stopped in his truck and yelled over..."Are you gonna let her beat you?". My reply, "She already has". Then we went to grab some breakfast (this has become the tradition now--to meet my mom, family friends Dick & Madelyn and of course Peyton for breakfast at the Sandfiddler Cafe). We go in with faces bright red, shirts, shorts, etc. soaking wet with sweat in desperate need of ice water. I can only imagine what everyone is thinking. This week we missed the family and friends so Amy and I went in alone. After sitting there for about 30 minutes, long enough to drink a bunch of water, cokes/diet cokes and eat an omelette (you didn't think i was going to such a great place and not eating, did you?) it was time to get up and walk back home (another 1/2 mile). Our muscles were exhausted and as I tried to get out of the booth and leave the restaurant, a gentleman who was sitting at the table next to us with his two children asks me, "Is she gonna beat you home" referring to the fact that he also saw us in the middle of the 6 miles when Amy was having to wait for me as I fell back.
This is all motivation for me and i am getting better, but it is a slow process. Years of sports have done a number on my knees and the extra weight that I am carrying doesn't help. Through it all, Amy is there and very supportive. We are in this together.
I decided today that I want to have another reason to run this race. There are several groups that run for a cause and I contacted Nate from and asked if we could run for his family and the CFF. We have signed up and will raise money leading up to the race. I will ask you to do what you can and donate (there is a widget on the side of the page that will take you to the donation page). I may struggle as I train for the 1/2 marathon, but it is nothing compared to the struggles of those who are affected by CF. Please take a moment to donate to this wonderful organization and help families such as the Lawrensons.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Week 3

Everything is going well. We are now in week 3 of training and feeling good. Saturdays are our big training day where we do longer distances. Week 1 & 2 were 4 miles each. We never realized how far 4 miles...WOW. Week 1 was good for both of us. Week 2 was a different story. Amy did great and ran almost all of the 4 miles. Kevin was a different story. He ran for the first mile and then his body told him he couldn't do any more...he hit a wall. He was discouraged, but Amy kept encouraging him that he was doing well and to not give up. With the 1/2 marathon coming up soon, he can't give up. On Sunday we decided to run out and get some running clothes. Kevin is addicted to Under Armour and we both bought shorts & shirts. Monday was a new day and we both did our 35 minutes of running. We both did really well. We are up to about 2.7 miles in 35 minutes. We keep running towards our goal.
As another tool to help us reach our goal, we bought a set of Bodylastics exercise bands. We will write about them next week as we learn how to use them.
This Saturday our run increases from 4 miles to 5 miles and it is supposed to be in the 90's with a heat index around 100.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Starting Line--Rock & Roll 1/2 Marathon Virginia Beach

Amy & I signed up for the Rock n Roll 1/2 Marathon Virginia Beach on Sunday night. The race is September 6, 2009 and my training began yesterday, June 1st. We have set our goal as completion of the race...we will run as we can and walk the rest in order to complete the 13.1 mile course which will be a great victory for both of us.
It is supposed to be an awesome race and we are so excited. Setting this goal has given me the extra push I needed to get active and get in shape. I look forward to the many benefits from this. Sitting in an office for the past 8 years has taken its toll on me as I have gained almost 100 pounds since graduating from college. I was very thin when I graduated from college, thanks to a great metabolism, which now means i have to work that much harder to reach my goal. It is amazing what happens when an office chair gets in the way of your metabolism. My goal through all of this is to get in shape. I never thought i would be embarrassed to take off my shirt in public, but I am. I never thought i would have to worry about whether i would be able to keep up with my son as he grew up, but i am worried.
Yesterday, I started on a path to getting healthy and happy. I am not going to fall into the same trap that i have before...I normally start out sprinting with regards to exercise and diet and go strong for week or two and then I give up. This time I am going with the slow & steady approach. I will eat better, drink less Coke, exercise more...this time I will succeed.
I am so lucky to have such a supportive wife who will be helping me along the way. We will start this race together and end this race together. Thank you Amy for being there for me.
Stay tuned for updates as we continue working towards our goals and The Rock & Roll 1/2 Marathon.